Thursday, April 19, 2007

Opatch (utility to apply RDBMS patches)

Opatch Application Steps :

1) Read the patch readme thoroughly and make sure everything is fine. Remember database patches are applied using opatch.

2) Check the invalids and take the object name and count of invalids.
col owner format a15
col object_name format a40
col object_type format a15
select owner,object_type,object_name from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID' order by owner,object_type;

3) Make sure you have the right opatch utility version.
Recent db patches require opatch version is or higher

opatch version

Also make sure opatch executable used to apply the patch is in the PATH


4) Make sure opatch lsinventory is working for the opatch. If lsinventory is not working then you should not go ahead with opatch. This is the most important step, as most of Opatch issues are related to bad inventory etc.

opatch lsinventory

The possible causes could be inventory is not pointing correctly.(especially in dev and test servers, where you have more than one db sharing the same inventory) then make make sure inventory is pointing to the right path. Inventory location is mentioned in oraInst.loc under db home.
eg /opt/oracle/product/appl/9.2.0/oraInst.loc

ex Oracle Installer Location File


Note :The OraInventory dir would be in one dir below db home

dir /opt/oracle/product/appl/oraInventory (]$ ls -rlttotal 10drwxr-xr-x 2 oramgr dba 96 Nov 16 2005 ContentsXMLdrwxr-xr-x 2 oramgr dba 1024 Nov 16 2005 Contentsdrwxr-xr-x 2 oramgr dba 3072 Dec 09 20:10 logs-rwxr-xr-x 1 oramgr dba 38 Dec 09 20:10 install.platform/opt/oracle/product/appl/oraInventory (]$<> and make sure the entries in files under ContentsXML has correct db entry.Also note these day's inventory are also known as XML inventory. )

5) Ensure that the $PATH has the following executables:
make, ar, ld, and nm and make sure they are working with the below commands and also
Check whether the java and jar executables are present in your Oracle home.
which make
which ar
which ld
which nm
6) Before applying the opatch, database and db (9i) listener should be down. This is a must.
7) For applying opatch go the database patch directory where the patch is downloaded and unzipped and now give the following command :
opatch apply

8) After opatch is done, confirm the inventory is updated with the current patch.This is a confirmation step.
opatch lsinventory
9) Make sure there are no errors and also verify the log file.log file is located in
eg : /opt/oracle/product/appl/9.2.0/.patch_storage//

10) start the database and db listener and do the post steps like executing catcpu and other steps as mentioned in the patch readme, take the invalids again and compile them.
syntax for applying opatch on RAC instances is little different.
On each node you might have to apply with the following syntax
opatch apply -local
OraInventory in Oracle
What to do if Inventory is corrupted , What is global / Local Inventory

oraInventory :

oraInventory is repository (directory) which store/records oracle software products & their oracle_homes location on a machine. This Inventory now a days in XML format and called as XML Inventory where as in past it used to be in binary format &
called as binary Inventory.
There are basically two kind of Inventory Global Inventory (also called as Central Inventory) and Local Inventory also called as Oracle Home Inventory.

Global Inventory :
Global Inventory holds information about Oracle Products on a Machine. These products can be various oracle components like database, oracle application server, collaboration suite, soa suite, forms & reports or discoverer server . This global Inventory location will be determined by file oraInst.loc in /etc (on Linux/AIX) or /var/opt/oracle (solaris). If you want to see list of oracle products on machine check for file inventory.xml under ContentsXML in oraInventory
(Please note if you have multiple global Inventory on machine check all oraInventory directories)

Local Inventory:
Inventory inside each Oracle Home is called as local Inventory or oracle_home Inventory. This Inventory holds information to that oracle_home only.

Can We have multiple Global Inventory on a machine :
Can we have multiple global Inventory and the answer is YES you can have multiple global Inventory but if your upgrading or applying patch then make sure you change Inventory Pointer oraInst.loc to respective location. If you are following single global Inventory and if you wish to uninstall any software then remove it from Global Inventory as well.

If Global Inventory is corrupted
If global Inventory is corrupted, we can recreate global Inventory on machine using Universal Installer and attach already Installed oracle home by option-attachHome

." DIV < cluster_nodes="{}" oracle_home_name="Oracle_Home_Name">
Optach failures are generally due to Inventory problem, above i have provided some info. about the Oracle Inventory (Global/Local).This will help us in understanding & resolving the issues in future.

]$<> and make sure the entries in files under ContentsXML has correct db entry.Also note these day's inventory are also known as XML inventory. )
5) Ensure that the $PATH has the following executables:
make, ar, ld, and nm and make sure they are working with the below commands and also
Check whether the java and jar executables are present in your Oracle home.
which make
which ar
which ld
which nm
6) Before applying the opatch, database and db (9i) listener should be down. This is a must.
7) For applying opatch go the database patch directory where the patch is downloaded and unzipped and now give the following command :
opatch apply

8) After opatch is done, confirm the inventory is updated with the current patch.This is a confirmation step.
opatch lsinventory
9) Make sure there are no errors and also verify the log file.log file is located in
eg : /opt/oracle/product/appl/9.2.0/.patch_storage//

10) start the database and db listener and do the post steps like executing catcpu and other steps as mentioned in the patch readme, take the invalids again and compile them.
syntax for applying opatch on RAC instances is little different.
On each node you might have to apply with the following syntax
opatch apply -local
OraInventory in Oracle
What to do if Inventory is corrupted , What is global / Local Inventory

oraInventory :

oraInventory is repository (directory) which store/records oracle software products & their oracle_homes location on a machine. This Inventory now a days in XML format and called as XML Inventory where as in past it used to be in binary format &
called as binary Inventory.
There are basically two kind of Inventory Global Inventory (also called as Central Inventory) and Local Inventory also called as Oracle Home Inventory.

Global Inventory :
Global Inventory holds information about Oracle Products on a Machine. These products can be various oracle components like database, oracle application server, collaboration suite, soa suite, forms & reports or discoverer server . This global Inventory location will be determined by file oraInst.loc in /etc (on Linux/AIX) or /var/opt/oracle (solaris). If you want to see list of oracle products on machine check for file inventory.xml under ContentsXML in oraInventory
(Please note if you have multiple global Inventory on machine check all oraInventory directories)

Local Inventory:
Inventory inside each Oracle Home is called as local Inventory or oracle_home Inventory. This Inventory holds information to that oracle_home only.

Can We have multiple Global Inventory on a machine :
Can we have multiple global Inventory and the answer is YES you can have multiple global Inventory but if your upgrading or applying patch then make sure you change Inventory Pointer oraInst.loc to respective location. If you are following single global Inventory and if you wish to uninstall any software then remove it from Global Inventory as well.

If Global Inventory is corrupted
If global Inventory is corrupted, we can recreate global Inventory on machine using Universal Installer and attach already Installed oracle home by option-attachHome

." DIV < cluster_nodes="{}" oracle_home_name="Oracle_Home_Name">

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

RMAN -- Disk channel and tape channel

Disk channel and tape channel – how to associate sbt_tape with rmt0h

If allocate channel for Tape , then synatx will be :

allocate channel t1 device type 'SBT_TAPE' parms="ENV=(NB_ORA_POLICY=ORACLE_napdci28-bac)";or allocate channel t1 type 'SBT_TAPE' parms="ENV=(NB_ORA_POLICY=ORACLE_napdci28-bac)";

If allocate channel for device, then syntax will be :

allocate channel c1 device type disk format '/uo1/orabackup/robprod/robprod_%U';

If allocate channel for maintenace then syntax will be :

allocate channel for maintenace device type sbt;

NOTE: The number of channels that are automatically allocated depends on the default level of parallelism defined.
Configure command:Configuring Channel Default settings :

This configures the default backup/restore device to tape or disk

configure default device type to SBT;
configure default device type to DISK;

Once we have configured a default device type,ORACLE will use the default channel unless we override the default using the backup device type parameter.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Login issue resolution

If you can't login to oracle application by clicking on login link ,

check if

--- dbc file location
(wrapper.bin.parameters=- DFND_SECURE=/opt/appldba3/apps/fnd/11.5.0/secure)
as per parameter FND_SECURE (in is correct.

--- dbc file name in the location specified by DFND_SECURE parameter in file.

--- APPL_SERVER_ID in dbc file matches with server ID in FND_NODES table against respective Server .

--- GUEST/ORACLE ( this a Application User and NOT DB user ) password is correct & user is not end dated .

--- APPS password is correct in file
( under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg).

--- Check http://hostname.domainnamel:port/pls/$SID and see if package fnd_web can ping & you get output in screen from with correct database_id ( and check if there is correct dbc file in FND_SECURE )

There is JSP tool test to find most of issues via http://host.domain:port/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp

Apart from this note at metalink which you can refer 342332.1 Troubleshooting Login Problems in Oracle Applications 11i (11.5.2 , 11.5.10+)

Hope this will help in our future issues.

Now let us understand , how an apps login actually takes place.
When user makes a request how request flow across different component in E-Business Suite or Oracle applications .There different Services/Component in Oracle apps these are ,
1. Oracle Web Server ( Apache, Jserv, plssql )
2. IAS_ORACLE_HOME 9iAS, Ver. 102222.
3. Forms Server ( 8.0.6 ) ORACLE_HOME & Report Server ( in side 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME)
4. Concurrent Manager for Batch or Individual Job Processing
5. Admin Server ( These are used for application dba job like patching , cloning & lot more )
6. Database Server

Let's see how a request flow across different component in E-Business Suite or Oracle applications:

A) So when User makes a request from browser by typing URL
like http:// hostname : port
Here the port number they mention is WebServer Port, this request hit's to Oracle WebServer ( these requests are recorded in logs where wait for next post ).

B) Webserver checks that with http request there is no cookie attached (Cookie is message given by WebServer to Web Browser to identify client) so user is new & it passes login page to User .

C) User types his Username Password in login window & clicks submit button.

D) Webserver checks that username and passwords ( it need's to authenticate against database FND_USER table ), so it needs first some user GUEST/ORACLE to check client's username password in database .

E) Once user is authenticated its check against FND_RESPONSBILITY for Authorization about users responsibilities & assigned responsibilities are presented back to user.

F) Now these responsibilities are of two type Self Services(served by Jserv/Servlets) or Core Applications Server by Forms Server .

G) If this is Core responsibility , Apache transfers request to Forms Listener (Listening on Forms port),
From here request is on Sockets ( on forms servelets depending on forms config. ) which is persistense connection. From here onwards Client talks directly with Forms Server in forms session and if Client requested some data, forms server makes database connection.
( using tnsnames.ora in 806 HOME or using dbc Database Connector file in FND_SECURE_TOP or wdbsvr.apps in Apache/modplsql/cfg )

If User selected Self Service Responsibility like iProcurement, iRecruitement.., Apache forwards request to mod_jserv and request is fullfilled by jserv_component.

Note: why webserver donot ask client to login again until session timeout ??
( its because of cookies as User have valid cookies , try deleting cookies from browser & see Oracle Apache asks you to relogin .)

When your webserver tries to connect to database for plsql or any other type of connection it asks mod_pls to fulfill request but this connection information stored in ( dbc file or file )

DBC file in Oracle Apps

What is a .dbc and a .cfg file?

The .dbc file is mostly used to define database parameters,stands for database connect descriptor file, used to connectto database, it authenticate users against database in FND_USER table.

Let's see how it work's

The .dbc file is actually the database connector descriptor file used to connect to database and this file is by-default located in $FND_TOP/secure directory, this file is quite important as whenever any program likes to connect to database like forms it uses dbc file where there you find the Guest_user_pwd ,when the guest user connect it does not allow it to directly connect to the database but it first connect goes via this file and cross verify the password of the guest which is kept in this file.

DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to connect to database it uses dbc file.

Typical entry in dbc file are:

The dbc file is used to set up the connectivity for a given database. Each vendor requires different values to determine the server name, database name, user and password, plus any native options including special instructions for the vendor's client API or utility loader.When you drag an Output Table/Input Table etc. onto the canvas, the DBC file lets the component know where to direct the activity. The DBC file is also the mechanism through which a given table can be accessed and its column definition pulled automatically into the given component's DML definition.

There will be lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, how we determine which dbc file to use from $FND_SECURE ?

This value is determined from profile option "Applications Database ID"

In order to authenticate your user against database in FND_USER table this request is passed from core Apache Module to mod_pls ( plsql) and it uses few files like in Apache/modplsql/conf $CONTEXT_NAME.dbc , tnsnames.ora in 806/network/admin/$CONTEXT_NAME , GUEST user & few other file so focus on these files & directories & see what changed recently.

.dbc file in R12 -->the dbc file in R12 is in the new $INSTANCE_TOP

$INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure or $INSTANCE_TOP/apps//appl/fnd/12.0.o/secure.

Last but not the least .cfg is a unix-level file that is fed into a Korn Shell script as an auto-parameter feeder for a parameter-driven shell script. Cfg files are unix-defined where dbc files are AbI-defined.

A Database Connection (DBC) file holds information used by application servers to identify and authenticate with an application database. DBC files must be created on all tiers if it is a multi-tier system.

To recreate DBC file Login to your system as the APPLMGR, ensure that your environment is set correctly by running /.env.
Run common_top/admin/install/ (UNIX)
This will create the DBC file for the current environment instance. Verify log file to check environment, which should be pointing to 806.Location of file is in /admin/install/adgendbc.txt.

DBC file Parameters

Verify dbc file exists and is in the right location. $FND_TOP/secure//_.dbc. Verify db_host using %uname -aVerify db_sid from v$instance or echo $ORACLE_SID.

APPL_SERVER_ID APPS_JDBC_DRIVER_TYPE=THIN DB_PORT <> DB_HOST GWYUID FNDNAM <> TWO_TASK GUEST_USER_PWD. this is application account and should exists in applications with out any responsibility.
Note:Make sure environment value specified for DB_HOST is db host not application host.
Optional parameters:

Maximum number of open connections in the JDBC connection cache. This number is dependent on the amount of memory available, the number of processes specified in the init.ora file of the database.

Maximum number of seconds a connection can be in use. In order to avoid connections being locked up for too long, the connection cache uses this parameter to forcibly close connections that have been locked for over this time. If this parameter is unspecified,connections in use will not be cleaned up. This should be set to a number larger than the time taken to complete the largest transaction.It is difficult to estimate and recommendation is not to use this.

Maximum number of seconds an unused connection can remain in the cache. The connection cache will close and remove from the cache any connection that has been idle for longer than this specified limit.
Checking DBC file entries: Check Encrypted String for APPL_SERVER_ID parameter in the DBC file with entry in db using following sql stmt.These should be same.
Log in as apps/
Select server_id,server_address from FND_APPLICATION_SERVERS;

The output server_id should match APPL_SERVER_ID and server_address should match IPADDRESS of db host.

%nslookup Address: Name: Address:
verify hostname above with db_host parameter in dbc file.

Checking db connectivity using DBC file :


jre -v apps/ STATUS dbc=

Output :

Database Server
DATABASE_ID: *********

Application Server
APPL_SERVER_ID: 2CF3A427AB3AE01EE0439C143428E01E24739190873060609592242102215611

Status return's APPL_SERVER_ID and other db related info. This verifies DBC setup.