Friday, January 18, 2008

Flow of Concurrent Request
1. Once a concurrent request is submitted by the user, the table FND_CONCURRENT_Requests is automatically updated by the details of the request.

2. Once the request is scheduled to run, the CM’s checks the FND_CONCURRENT_TABLES to find the request compatibility with any other request.

3. If no incompatibilities found in the check, than request is assigned to the concerned Manager.
Note: If there is any special Manager to take care of the request , then it goes to queue of its manager else the standard Manager takes care of the request.

4. Once the Request is processed, the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST table is updated with the status.

5. A conc.request can have many PHASES , when its being processed by the Manager

6. Every Phase has corresponding STATUS.

PHASE 1.Completed


Normal : The request completed normally.

Error :The request failed.Check the log file for details about the error.

Warning :Request completed with a warning.Warning is generated when upon completion task don't complete succesfully.

Cancelled :The request was cancelled before it was started.Terminated : When a running request was terminated.

PHASE 2.Running


Normal: Request is running normal and no interfere is required.

Paused : Request is waiting for some other request to be finished.(Dependency )

Resuming :Paused request is resuming, this happens when dependent request completes.

Terminating :User or sysadmin chooses to terminate the request.


Normal : Request is waiting for CM.

Standby :Request is incompatible with some other request.CRM needs to resolve this.

Waiting :Dependency of request.

Scheduled :Request is scheduled to run at a point of time in future.


No Manager : CM is down or No specialzed Manager is defined for this request

Disabled : Conc.Program rquested has not been enabled yet.

On Hold: Pending request has been kept on hold for time being.

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